Monday, May 29, 2006

Just when I thought we'd moved on with our lives and things would maybe smooth out there always has to be be a monkey wrench thrown in, especially when dealing with the high school mentality. Bina's new stalker boyfriend wants to beat up on Bobby because he was with her when he was going through his midlife crisis. There's got to be more to that than what I've heard, why would he care if things were over, unless... Now the drama will continue, since high schoolers have a hard time just letting things go, like adults would. I know things won't change as long as there are meetings.

Like dealing with a bunch of high schoolers!!! Help any suggestions would be very much appreciated. How to fight a cult...

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Ok Bobby is finally seeing what the people in meetings are doing to him. Like being in a high school class. The girl he messed around with (I'll call her Bina - I'd like to call her worse) signed up for a commitment at his daily lunch meeting... much more drama to come...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Ok, lets see another person in na passed away last week... one od'd...

and the one that I thought would happen finally happened... Bangel's girl finally got tired of his crap and left her and took their new baby with her... hooray for her, I am so happy she finally got wise... no more of putting up with his whining and having to support him and most of all, his cheating. You go girl, I'm sure your life will be so much happier, and to think she came back to NJ just to be with him after he promised he had changed. That lasted less than two days and he was back to hitting on women in the meetings. His other girl that he led along finally got tired of him too (although for her I don't feel as sorry for, since she knew he had a wife with a baby, but she's from na where for some reason its ok to cheat), so she got what she deserved....twice since she went back to him twice after he promised her the world (as he went home to his wife at night and did the same to her) I'm thrilled, some people get their just rewards eventually.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Don't feel like writing tonight... na meetings and people still rule over family and home, what else can I say. NA GO AWAY come back when you're healthier and able to do what you're supposed to do... help people stay clean by putting their lives together, not becoming dependent on you!!! Good night.